Win Your Own Kit Home
Trukai Industries Limited (Company Registration Number 1-2746) of PO Box 2129
Mataram Street, Lae, Morobe, 411, Papua New Guinea.
PNG Forest Products Limited (Company Registration Number 1-303)
Entry Conditions
Entry is open to any person (Entrant) that:
1. purchases a Roots 10Kg Rice Bag with an entry form inside*;
2. follows the Entry Procedure for the entry form found inside a Roots 10Kg Rice Bag;
3. is 18 years of age or over at the time of entry;
4. is a resident of PNG; and
5. that is not prohibited from entering as set out below.
Note that employees, including full-time, part-time, casual or contractors, (and their immediate families) of the Promoter are ineligible to enter.
Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin.
*For the avoidance of doubt, the Promoter notes that not all Roots 10KG Rice Bags contain entry forms.
There will only be one winner from each of the following regions where the Roots
10Kg Rice Bag is purchased: Southern, Momase, Highlands and the Niugini Islands
(each a Region) with a total of 4 winners nationwide.
Entry Procedure
To enter the Promotion, an Entrant must complete the entry form found in a Roots
10Kg Rice Bag (Entry Form) during the Promotion Period by completing all details required on the Entry Form, including full name, phone number, shop name and shop purchase location and submit the Entry Form by submitting it at the nearest outlet entry box at stores participating in this Promotion in each Region. Further details about participating store locations will be communicated to Entrants in due course.
Promotion Period
Opens: 7 October 2024 at 8:00am (PGT)
Closes: 28th of February 2025
Draw Details
Date: 12 March, 2025
Time: TBC
Locations: TBC
Further details about participating store locations will be communicated to Entrants in due course.
Draw Method:
Prize Draws will be carried out in person at selected shopping centres at regional main locations in Southern – Port Moresby, Momase – Lae, NGI – Kokopo and Highlands – Mt Hagen.Momase – Lae, NGI – Kokopo and Highlands – Mt Hagen.
Draw Process
The first valid entry randomly drawn from all entries received during the Promotion Period for each Region that meets the Entry Conditions and complies with the Terms and Conditions Claim Process and is correctly submitted in accordance with the Entry Procedure below will receive the Prize (Prize Winner).
All draws will be witnessed by an independent third party (i.e., police or suitable official).
There are four Prizes available, one Prize for each Region only. No bonus prizes will be awarded
The Prize consists of the following components:
4 x Kit Homes from PNG Forest Products Limited NiuHomes valued at K155,580 each with a combined total value ofK622,320.. Product code: Bumbu Suburban Range| High Set| 57m2| 3 x Bedroom| 1 Bathroom (Kit Home).
Plus a fully kitted furniture package per kit home (with each furniture package already fully constructed) each valued at K4,815each with a combined total of K19, 260 courtesy of PNG Forest Products Limited Furniture Products (Furniture Package)
Note that there is a cash prize alternative of K50,000 available to each Prize Winner at the Promotor’s sole discretion in place of the Kit Home and the Furniture Package extreme cases where the Promotor’s management team is satisfied that:
Prize Conditions
The Prize does not include any land required for the construction of the Kit Home. The Prize Winner is solely responsible for finding and/or providing its own land to build the Kit Home on, including but not limited to all costs associated with any land (including stamp duty and taxes, if applicable) and ensuring the use of the land allows construction of the Kit Home.
The Kit Homes do not come constructed and construction is not included in the Prize. The Prize Winner is solely responsible for construction of the Kit Home, including but not limited to all costs associated with construction and any labour, utilities and utility connections and ensuring that the construction complies with any applicable laws and regulations.
the Kit Home cannot be freighted to the Prize Winner for example due to extreme weather conditions or if the geographical location of the Prize Winner is too remote or challenging to due geographic or infrastructure conditions; or
the Prize Winner does not have land to construct the Kit Home on or is not in a position to purchase land to construct the Kit Home; or
the Prize Winner is generally unable to construct the Kit Home.
If a cash prize is awarded to a Prize Winner in accordance with the above, the Prize Winner forfeits any rights it has, or may have had, to the Kit Home, Furniture Package or to the balance of their respective values. The Prize Winner bears all onus and costs of proving to the Promotor that sufficient grounds exist to allow for the provision of the cash prize alternative component and providing any relevant documentation required by the Promotor associated with this request.
Subject to these Terms and Conditions, the Kit Home and each fully kitted furniture package will be shipped by the Promotor in containers to a location nominated by each Prize Winner.
The Promotor will bear all reasonable costs for shipping the Kit Home to the nominated location.
The Prize must be taken as stated and cannot be varied.
The Prize (including any unused portion of the Prize) may not be sold, transferred, exchanged, assigned to, or hypothecated in any manner without the prior written consent of the Promotor. Except as set out in these Terms and Conditions, the Prize cannot be redeemed for cash.
The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of aPrize.
Total Prize Pool
The total value of the Prize is approx. K641, 580 as at the date of publishing these
Terms and Conditions.
The Prize Winner will be notified by telephone on the number submitted in the Entry
Form one (1) business day after the Draw on the 12th March 2025.
Claim Process
To claim the Prize, the Prize Winner must:
have complied with the Entry Conditions;
have complied with the Entry Procedure;
confirm acceptance to the Promotor via phone on +675 300 0000 / +675 7411
2466 during the Prize Claim Period;
have a valid form of identification, being a driver’s licence or passport; and
be verified by the Promotor to its complete satisfaction by:
- the Prize Winner completing and returning a winner verification form to
the Promotor by visiting a relevant office of the Promotor as notified to the Prize Winner. The Promoter’s representative will help Prize Winner fill out this form; and
- presenting to the Promotor a valid form of identification for the Prize Winner, being a driver’s licence, passport or other forms of identification as listed on the winner verification form.
Where the Prize Winner does not have a valid form of identification, the Promotor may, in its sole discretion, allow the Prize Winner to nominate a third party (who must hold and present a valid form of identification to the Promotor’s satisfaction) to witness, vouch for and identify the Prize Winner.
If a third party witnesses, vouches for and identifies the Prize Winner in accordance with the above paragraph, the Prize Winner and the third party must each sign a statutory declaration on terms satisfactory to the Promotor with regards to the Prize Winner and that third parties’ identification.
The Promoter will not compensate a Prize Winner who fails to claim the Prize due to the notification going unanswered or to voicemail or due to the Prize Winner not otherwise being able to be reached via phone
Prize Claim Period
The Prize must be claimed within thirty (30) days of the closing date of the Promotion Period.
Prize Winner Publication Details
The Prize Winner’s last name, initial of first name, and postcode will be published in Publication the local newspapers, Post Courier and The National and the Promoter’s social media Details pages (Facebook and Instagram) on the 15th March, 2025..
The Promotor may take, use and publish any such photographs and/or videos and/or audio of the Prize Winner and the Prize as it deems fit.
Unclaimed Prizesand forfeiture of Prizes
If the:
• Promotor is unable to contact the Prize Winner within the Prize Claim Period;
• Prize Winner does not contact the Promotor and accept the Prize within the
Prize Claim Period,
then the Prize will be deemed forfeited. No replacement draws will take place.
The Promotor reserves the right to forfeit any Prize or refuse to deliver or honour any
Prize where:
• a Prize Winner has not complied with these Terms and Conditions or does not satisfy the Entry Conditions, Entry Procedure or comply with the Claim Process;
• a Prize Winner cannot satisfy the Promotor’s verification criteria;
• it is deemed, in the Promotor’s sole discretion, that fraudulent or dishonest actions or misrepresentations resulted in the Prize Winner winning the Prize; and/or
• these Terms and Conditions, including this Schedule, permit forfeiture.
The Prize Winner is not entitled to any form of compensation whatsoever and the Promotor is not liable to the Prize Winner in any way if the Prize is forfeited for any reason.
Promoter’s Privacy Policy