Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

We at Trukai believe in giving back to the community in which we live and operate in because the community supports us. Trukai supports a wide variety of community activities and programs for the disabled, the homeless & less fortunate, achievement recognition awards, sports, education, and medical projects.

Trukai is also one of the biggest contributors to sports in the country. Trukai sponsors programs from sports youth development and sporting clubs, through to the biggest fundraising event for sports, the Trukai Fun Run.

The annual Trukai Fun Run organised by the PNG Olympic Committee (PNGOC) is our biggest social corporate responsibility program. We have been supporting this event for the past 20 years starting in 1999. The Trukai Fun Run is PNGOC’s major fundraiser to send Team PNG to regional and international sporting events such as the Pacific Games, Commonwealth and Olympic Games.

Through our community programs we support the following not for profit and community organisations to help them progress the good work that they are doing in their respective communities.

Following are some of the organisations that we support:

  • Madang City Mission
  • Links of Hope Mt Hagen
  • Welkam na Bel Isi Centre
  • Port Moresby Nature Park
  • Mt Sion Centre for the Blind
  • PNG Cancer Foundation
  • Samaritan Aviation
  • St John Ambulance
  • Port Moresby General Hospital
  • Links of Hope – Port Moresby
  • Life PNG Care Inc
  • Lae City Misson
  • Port Moresby City Misson
  • Cheshire disAblity Services

In the past 10 years alone, Trukai has invested nearly K30 million supporting vital health, sports and cultural activities in the Papua New Guinea.

We have one of the most extensive Corporate Social Responsibility programs in the nation; spanning Sports, Health facilities, nutritional programs, AID and Cultural and Provincial shows.

Trukai has always helped PNG when it matters

Throughout its long and proud history Trukai has come to the nation’s aid when it was needed most.  

In times of drought and famine, Trukai has been able to use its nationwide distribution network, which involves tens of thousands of people to get rice aid to those that need it the most.

In 2020/2021 we supported hospitals with rice supply for COVID-19

Trukai Industries has recognized the need to support essential stakeholders engaged in the current Covid-19 operation in PNG with rice donations.

We assisted major hospitals around the country with rice supply for catering needs at the hospitals during the pandemic.

We also support St John Ambulance, an essential service provide under the COVID-19 Operation with monthly rice donations to ensure their volunteers are well looked after to maintain essential services to Covid-19 operations as well as normal emergency ambulance services in NCD and Central Provinces.

In 2018 Southern Highlands/Hela Earthquake

Trukai Industries Ltd assisted with 20 tonnes of rice to support disaster relief efforts in Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces by working in partnership with Oil Search Limited and other key stakeholders.

In 2015 drought

8,000 tonnes of rice was distributed through local governments to aid drought-stricken areas of the highlands.

Trukai has supported the delivery of rice aid to the highlands through the World Food Program (WFP).

Our involvement in El Nino 1997

 When the El Nino drought of 1997 devastated not only prime land in Papua New Guinea, but also damaged the economy, many livelihoods and our food security systems, Trukai Industries responded quickly.

We sourced 58,000 tons over our capacity limits to deliver an incredible 228,000 tons of rice throughout the country -all through its proven rice distribution network.

Not only did Trukai Industries source and distribute extra rice at this staggering extra volume to combat famine, it did so it a major cost to the company.

Due to the nature of this natural disaster, the company committed to holding firmly to pre-drought prices in the face of a weakening Kina.

This gesture saw Trukai Industries record major financial losses. It showed its commitment to PNG when it counted.